True and Fascinating Canadian History


Mr. Robert Knuckle

Canadian Author & Historian

Hi Joe,

I think this website is a wonderful idea and long overdue. What better way is there to honour the memory of deceased friends and colleagues than to care for their graves.


Robert Knuckle
Canadian Author

Buffalo Joe replied:

Thanks sincerely Bob for your friendship, advice and support for the Vets’ Grave Location and Maintenance Program.

Your book : In the Line of Duty, Volume II: From Fort Macleod to Mayerthorpe (Honour Roll of the RCMP) is a rich source of research material for all those interested in RCMP history – from Regina Cadet to retired Vet!

It has been an invaluable aid to me.

Thank you.


Robert Knuckle has a B.A. in English, and a Masters in Education from the Ontario Institute in Studies for Education. He was employed in secondary school education for 35 years. Since retiring as a vice-principal in 1992, he has written six books on true crime, three books for children, an Actra award-winning radio drama for the CBC, three screenplays for television movies and ten plays, six of which have been produced at major theatre venues.

Source of Mr. Knuckle's photo and for his Biography:

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